Sunday, 18 March 2007

攀龙胜梯田 - 十一月的梦

Went GuiLin & Yangshuo last year in Nov. A bit "retro" but was thinking of sharing today a passage that I submitted to "My Paper". It was a sort of travel diary which captured the thoughts of "travelling" - Not at Home kinda feelings.

山是龙的脊, 田是登天的梯.

十一月广西背包行程中, 我穿插了一游著名的金坑梯田的美梦. 对于从来没有亲身体验梯田的我, 最想拍下在烈日下发光的金黄色的稻田, 希望收割季节还没过, 能圆我的梦. 除此之外, 对与居住在那儿的壮族, 瑶族, 我也好不好奇.

龙胜金坑梯田有三个观景台, 一般得花两天时间攀爬, 沿途欣赏风景. 虽然收割已过, 梯田如链似带, 高低起伏, 小山似螺, 大山如塔, 还是令人难忘. 从高高的观景台望下, 梯田顶所形成的图案, 好像立体星图, 想象力强的背包者可以数数星星, 还可看到月亮. 据我们入宿红瑶族大寨的红瑶族[余阿姨]介绍,那儿叫七星伴月.



Sunday, 4 March 2007




Not very good in Chinese Poems - However, the above poem has been one of my mum's favorite. In a way, got to know it during my CL1 class too. 一直以为寒山寺在高山上... 原来寒山是个人名. Interesting discovery =P, was still worried that the climb to the temple would take much efforts for my family, and it ended up an easy walk.

Tour guide corrected a mis-conception many people have about 江枫. The 枫 is the name of a bridge there, not related to a tree or even "wind" due to the same pronounciation.

My friend's wife J mentioned seeing my collection of Jiang Nan photos reminded her of this poem, as well as JJ's song. Didnt rem clearly the lyrics of JJ's song, so flipped through the web sites to take a look at the lyrics. A few portions did have a stronger impact ~

"风到这里就是粘, 粘住过客的思念
雨到了这里缠成线, 缠着我们流连人世间
你走得有多痛痛有多浓, 当梦被埋在江南烟雨中, 心碎了才懂"

JJ walked through several cities/towns before writing his album and this song. I rem at the West Lake Museum, some students were talking about how JJ wrote this song. I cant recall what exactly said, but I can agree that a trip to 江南 will be rewarding for its culture, its history, its romance...... appreciate the beauty of 江南.

Saturday, 3 March 2007

Lunar New Year in Jiang Nan, China

江南 - 就想起水乡, 美景. 这次没有背包, 陪同社团, 不用安排, 也可放轻松. 一向不听导游说话, 只顾看风景的我, 这次有点不同.

他讲的故事, 顺口溜非常丰富又有趣 . 一则是有关牵手:

牵到老婆的手, 就像左手摸右手,

Initially, I thought he might "offend" tour group - especially the loving couple. There is actually some rationale or "deep thoughts" behind this saying. "Air" or "Water" that we need - normally is so common or nothing special. But they carry gr8 value in our lives. Married couples, no matter how young or old, may become "common" after some time. However, just like water and air, they are in a way become unseparable or forming a loving and unbreakable bond.

Extracted from a passage I read in a blog ~ 夫妻就像两只手,左手和右手,他们一生朝夕相伴,也许没有浪漫,正如人对空气感觉不到它的存在,可你却离不开它。那是一种亲情的相依,那是一种平凡的美,失去了其中任何一只手,都不会是和谐完整的美,只有相互牵手,才是最美。
